In Ten Short Words, Taylor Swift Just Taught Us a Brilliant Lesson in Google Sheets

Author imagePublished on Feb 8, 2024 by


Taylor Swift, renowned for her music and now unexpected wisdom in the tech realm, delivers a valuable lesson in the often underestimated Google Sheets. In just ten words, she imparts a gem of knowledge: "I can make the bad guys good for a weekend".

Wow! Planning a weekend event with Google Sheets is a fantastic idea for staying organized and collaborative. Here's a simple guide to help you:

1. Set the Stage:

Open a new Google Sheet. Blank page, big plans.

2. Column Crew:

Create columns: Tasks, Who's on it, Deadline, Status, Notes.

3. Task List Tale:

Drop all the weekend to-dos in Column A. No task left behind.

4. Role Call:

Assign names in Column B. Who's rocking each task?

5. Time Crunch:

Deadlines in Column C. Keep it snappy.

6. Status Update:

Column D is your vibe check. Not started, in progress, or nailed it.

7. Side Notes Sway:

Column E for sweet, short notes. Keep it concise, like a good song.

8. Make it Yours:

Customize with extra columns if your weekend needs more flair.

9. Team Huddle:

Hit "Share" up top. Invite your squad.

10. Note and Notify:

Comments for chit-chat, notifications for real-time buzz.

11. Real Talk:

Live updates for all. Keep it fresh, like a summer hit.

12. Tune-up Time:

Regular check-ins. Adjust, groove, and keep the vibe alive. Ready, set, spreadsheet. Weekend magic, unlocked. 🎉✨

Thank you, T-Swift! With your Google Sheets tips and a little planning all bad guys can be good. At least for a weekend.

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